Участь у міжнародних конкурсах (FLEX, HMC)

     Одним із напрямків роботи вчителів англійської мови нашого закладу є активне залучення учнів до міжнародних проектів, що сприяє розвитку їх творчих здібностей, розвитку глобального мислення, усвідомленню загально людських цінностей та підвищенню їх мотивації до вивчення англійської мови.
    Учні гімназії беруть активну участь у міжнародних англомовних конкурсах на здобуття стипендій на навчання в Великобританії та США.
   Програма майбутніх лідерів (FLEX) це програма культурного обміну Бюро у справах освіти і культури Державного департаменту США, яка адмініструється в Україні організацією Американські Ради з міжнародної освіти (American Councils) за підтримки Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України. Програма надає можливість українським студентам навчатися в американській школі і жити в американській сім'ї протягом одного навчального року.
    Британська стипендіальна програма HMC Projects (The Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference, сайт – hmc.org.uk / projects) - асоціація британських коледжів, яка надає учням з Центральної та Східної Європи стипендії на навчання у одній з приватних британських шкіл ( їх у мережі проекту близько 50). Перші школярі з країн Центральної та Східної Європи приїхали до Великої Британії на навчання у 1993 році. З того часу учні мають можливість удосконалювати англійську мову, заводити нових друзів та дізнаватися багато нового про життя і культуру Великої Британії, беручи участь у стипендіальній програмі HMC Projects.
   Минулого 2014-2015 н.р. учениця Іщенко Євгенія взяла участь в програмі HMC та отримала шанс навчатися у одній із шкіл Великобританії. Женя навчається в Stover School, NewtonAbbot.

   Багато учнів,які планують готуються до участі в цій програмі, потребують дружньої поради про те,як краще підготуватися, як поводитись на інтерв'ю. Тому,я попросила Євгенію поділитися досвідом та враженнями.

It's my FLEX and HMC Projects experience

  My name is Yevheniia Ishchenko and I am studying in the Sixth Form in one of the best English private schools. It is very often said that the amount of every person’s achievements indicates the level of his/her integrity. However, in my native country they often say another interesting thought that a person should be judged not only by his past achievements but also by the ones he aspires to in future. Once I got here I understood that everything that I had done before is only the very beginning and that I have to work really hard to achieve my new aims. But now I want to tell you about my HMC and Flex Projects experience and I hope that it will help somebody to reach his goals.
  The most appealing opportunity for me seemed education abroad. I was studying at school in the year 10 and my teacher told me about FLEX. Very soon my parents found out about my dream to go to the USA or to the UK and continue studying there. So I went to the first of the three rounds of FLEX - general English exam, which was attended by approximately 200 students in my town. The test seemed to be easy (intermediate level) but I know that there are at about 7 different tests so the students do not have the same tasks (I think that some of them are more complicated then the other ones). Anyway, in a few days I was invited to write three essays( about your own experience or imaginary situations). The second round wasn't hard, I have to notice that the level of your English is not really important aspect of your essays and the reason of writing in English is that your work will be marked by Americans. The size of each essay is approximately 1/3 of A4 page ( you can write more and even ask for additional peace of paper but it is the question of time). As I am from Ukraine we have HMC Project in Kirovograd and Kyiv separately and I know that they have different systems. The one which I described is the Kirovograd's one.
  A few weeks before Christmas I went to the final round of FLEX which includes 2 essays ( one is about your reasons of studying in America and the second will have similar topic to the ones which you had in the second round( you can prepare some thoughts about the first one)), English test ( similar to TOEFUL or IELTS)- this test does not influence your result so you do not have to worry about it. And the most important part is the interview which also is divided into two parts ( role game and interview with FLEX representatives). The Interview is in your own language. Firstly, they will ask you general questions about you and then the imaginary situation questions which involve your logic (psychological questions). I do not think that you can prepare yourself for this part so my only suggestions are to be honest in psychological questions and not necessarily honest about your talents( you can tell them about volunteering, school duties such as Teen Community Service Prefect, President, Sports team leader...) They really value leadership abilities and enthusiasm. The role game is pretty easy, just enjoy and act naturally, try to pay attention to your opponents but do not forget that you came to show yourself and not to listen to others.
  The time you have for each round:
The firs test - 15 minutes;
The essays in the second round - 45 minutes
The essays in the final round - 45 minutes;
Role game - 20 minutes;
Interview - 20 minutes;
  For me the hardest aspect was waiting. You will have to wait for results till April or even May. Also it erects a serious moral pressure and that is why I would suggest you to treat it as a good opportunity, but not as the only one or the last one.
  During the whole FLEX period of 2015-16 I also took part in HMC Project which increased my chances of satisfying result and I didn't have to rely only on FLEX.
  The difference between HMC and FLEX Projects is that FLEX does not require a really high level of English, while in HMC Project it is the main aspect.
  As well as FLEX, HMC has three rounds - general English test ( listening and grammar ( even easier than the first test on FLEX), essay( 750 words, but I think you can even write 450-500) and the interview with HMC representatives. You will be interviewed with a few more students (group of 2-3) and you will be given a text which you'll read a few minutes before the interview. The interviewers may ask you a few questions on it. Talking to you, they will rely on your essay (the one about yourself- which you wrote before the first round). So I believe that this essay is the most important part of the HMC project.
  The results will be available in a month after the interview. I was not so lucky with FLEX but HMC Project gave me the chance to study in the school of my dream. Of course I have a lot of other various dreams and aims in my life: I want to become a highly-qualified specialist and get a well-paid job, to build a strong loving family and to treat my children the way my parents treated me, to help people and to make the world around me better. I am sure I will reach these aims some time as for every event there is a certain moment. I already achieved some very important things in my life and I am very proud of it. Although, I had certain losses in my life I still can consider myself a happy person. I have a whole big world around me, and a long road of life infront me. And I will put all my efforts to follow this road and to achieve the best I can during my future life.
Wish you good luck! Try and you will see you can!

28 травня ми дізналися результати  міжнародного конкурсуFLEX 2016. Моя учениця Марія Очеретяна стала переможницею і вже готується до навчання в США.